
TAB UX/UI Design

TAB Header-min.png

Working with a new brand identity and messaging, we then began working on TAB’s first-ever online gaming platform that would be able to keep up with its competitors and push more of its sales online and away from in-store betting.

After research, we began to carefully construct a customer journey and design style which would allow users to navigate through the app easily, and ensure that all the tasks customers were able to do in-store, were accessible and easy to complete online.

TAB Development.png
TAB The Approach.png

Customer information access

The sports page needed to give users full access to live sports, while also encouraging interest and traffic to other sports. Making the live sports panel into a swipe carousel, created more space to show other sports without overpopulating the page and design.

Mockup Races Home.png
Mockup Sports Home.png

Simplified betting process

The betting process needed to be as simple as the process in-store. The design created space to show past, current and upcoming events for the selected sport. By creating a live box, we allowed users to readily access race information, and betting odds and to watch or listen live.

Clear navigation and colour styles were used throughout, this was to ensure the visuals indicated to the customers what they have selected and how to continue.  

Access to race and betting information on one page, make the user journey less complicated and allows them to familiarise themselves with the app and betting system quickly, thus encouraging an uptake
of app use. 

TAB Mockup Betslip.png
Mockup Races Bet Odds.png

Custom Betslip

TAB wanted to make sure users could access their account details, and also edit their bets easily.
This was achieved by allowing access to their bet slip during any point of the journey, through the
base navigation.

Also using clear icons, navigation, and colour styles allowed users to edit the type of bet, and
the amount, and add or remove bets more readily thus resulting in a smoother experience of
the betting process.



TAB’s main concern was to ensure the app had an uncomplicated flow and that the mass information required for a betting app was displayed in a simple and visually appealing design.

This was achieved by using research that pinpointed the customer’s journey through the app as
the key focus.

Therefore the information architecture and design system were carefully constructed in the initial stages, which in turn allowed us to create a platform where we could firstly condense and prioritize information; and then secondly provide clear navigation through icons, colour, and typography to optimize the user experience.