


New website for blockchain-enabled
financial services platform.


Fintech, Blockchain

My Role
UI/UX Designer



The brainchild of former BitTorrent execs, is a digital identity and value transfer company. The multi-layered financial platform lets businesses and consumers create a digital identity and use it to interact and participate in the modern digital economy. Following a website build in 2018 the Everest team was
looking for a new website to help refresh their brand and digital presence in preparation for a new
phase of rapid growth.

‘Mouse over’ and ‘scroll’ animations make pages more responsive and maximize content engagement. Animations are simple so as not to distract users. 

To avoid scrolling fatigue on content-heavy pages a secondary navigation system was added. An automatic scroll takes users to the section they’re looking for, giving them complete control and instant access to relevant content.

A good user experience relies on visitors being able to clearly identify what is clickable. Gradient colors and mouse-over hover effects were used throughout the site to distinguish primary and secondary actions.